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14. Wattenscheider Kulturnacht (2023)​

Die 14. Wattenscheider Kulturnacht fand wie geplant am Freitag, den 02. Juni statt. Ganze 15 Institutionen waren an der Programmgestaltung aus Musik, Literatur, Artistik, Theater und Rahmenprogramm an insgesamt vier verschiedenen Orten in der Wattenscheider Innenstadt sowie am ehemaligen Gelände der Zeche Holland in der Emil-Weitz-Straße 2 beteiligt.

Rund 500 Besucher*innen flanierten bei optimalem Wetter zwischen den Spielorten. Insbesondere viele Familien erfreuten sich an dem nochmals optimierten und abwechslungsreichen Programm.

Musikalische Beiträge lieferten die Musikschule Bochum mit der Eröffnung vor der Alten Kirche, der Pop und Rock Band "The six o'clocks" und Jazz mit den "SMS" an der Zeche Holland, die VHS Bochum in der Alten Kirche, die Junge Chorgemeinschaft in Kooperation mit der Kunstwerkstatt am Hellweg in der Propsteikirche St. Gertrud, X-Vision mit Rap und Hip Hop und Ronak e.V. mit kurdischen Klängen und Tänzen Open Air an der Zeche Holland. Auch die DelikatEssen und der Watt'n Zirkus traten wieder auf und bereicherten das Kulturprogramm. In der Stadtbücherei las der Bochumer Autor Klaus Märkert aus seinem aktuellen Buch und Andreas Halwer brachte dem Publikum Stadtgeschichte Wattenscheids in der Französischen Besatzungszeit im Jahr 1923 näher. Dort gab es auch die Ausstellung mit (historischen) Motiven der Stadt Wattenscheid. GEMI e.V. überzeugte das Publikum mit dem Format World Poetry Slam, in dem Sprechkünstler*innen ihre selbstverfassten Texte und Geschichten präsentierten.

Neu war ein Begleitprogramm am Standort Zeche Holland: Die Falken haben die Besucher*innen dazu animiert kreativ zu werden und Stoffbeutel zu bedrucken und es gab kostenlose Führungen auf das Fördergerüst mit einem einmaligen Ausblick.

Den vollständigen Programmflyer erhalten Sie hier, eine Bildergalerie hier:






















13. Wattenscheider Kulturnacht (2022)​

Endlich wieder live! Die 13. Wattenscheider Kulturnacht konnte wieder vor Ort stattfinden. Als eine tolle Besonderheit wurde neben den traditionellen Orten in der Wattenscheider Innenstadt zum ersten Mal das neu gestaltete Gelände am Fördergerüst der ehemaligen Zeche Holland, Schacht IV, bespielt. Zwölf Organisationen und Vereine aus Wattenscheid beteiligten sich.

Nach der offiziellen Eröffnung an der Alten Kirche wurden ebendort eine "Oper legere" der vhs Bochum geboten, im Anschluss improvisierten die DelikatEssen unter dem Motto "KONTAKTaufnahmen" ein Theaterstück. In der gegenüberliegenden Kirche St. Gertrud von Brabant wurden die Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer währenddessen von der Jungen Chorgemeinschaft Wattenscheid eine Stunde lang durch heitere Musik fröhlich gestimmt. Doch auch ein Gedenken an Delia Albers, die die Kulturnacht von Anfang an mitgestaltet hatte, fand Platz in der Veranstaltung der Kunstwerkstatt am Hellweg. In der Stadtbücherei Wattenscheid las Roland von Rauxel eine Hommage an Heinz Erhardt, und Andreas Halwer trug für das Stadtarchiv die Geschichte der Zeche Holland einem interessierten Publikum vor. Parallel dazu begann das Programm an der Zeche Holland: Dieses wurde auf die Zielgruppe Jugend zugeschnitten. Der Watt'n Zirkus, X-Vision Ruhr mit Rap & Hip Hop sowie die Musikschule Bochum mit Rock & Pop traten hier auf. Das Kollektiv "Karmakind" aus Bochum begeisterte zum Abschluss mit melodischen und fantasievollen Klängen und Gesang in verschiedenen Sprachen. Das Zechengerüst wurde außerdem beeindruckend illuminiert.

Zusätzlich fanden an zwei Orten Ausstellungen statt: In der Stadtbücherei wurde eine Streetart-Ausstellung der Märkischen Schule präsentiert, und in der Alten Kirche luden großformatige Fotodrucke von Brigitte Kramer ("Im guten Glauben") zum Staunen ein.

Den vollständigen Programmflyer gibt es hier zu Ansicht, eine Bildergalerie hier:

© Bochum Marketing GmbH, Andreas Molatta // © Andreas Halwer

12th Wattenscheid Culture Night (2021)


After a canceld event in 2020 due to the corona pandemic, the 12th Wattenscheider Kulturnacht took place digitally for the first time. Under the motto "No WAT without culture!" around 10 organizers have a colorful program of musical, literary,  artistic and (food) cultural contributions created. The premiere took place here on August 21, at 6 p.m. The video should create anticipation for the time after the pandemic, when festivals can be properly celebrated again and show that the Wattenscheid cultural workers continue to be creative even in difficult times.


The CentrumCultur (AWO) presented the band OstWest and a colorful culinary evening, the Watt'n Zirkus showed its entire range of artistry in pictures and videos and the Forum Together for Integration (GEMI) e. V., a new addition to the Kulturnacht community this year, offered electronic music. Furthermore, two readings of LiesWAT! e. V. and the WatWerk e. V. (also there for the first time) and there was music from the music school in Bochum and from X-Vision Ruhr. The Märkische Schule added a digital gallery entitled "Creative in Lockdown". The mining culture of Wattenscheid was promoted by the Heimat- und Bürgerverein Wattenscheid e. V. by which the actors led the way along the newly inaugurated Eppendorf-Höntrop mining trail... But see for yourself:



























A big thank you goes to all participating institutions and organizations, the supporters of the Soziale Stadt Wattenscheid-Mitte and the Wattenscheid district of the city of Bochum, as well as the producer Mathis Taler, without whom this format would not have been possible.

11th Wattenscheid Culture Night (2019)


15 associations and cultural institutions took part in the 11th Wattenscheid Culture Night on June 7th, 2019, which focused on the topic of "Europe". Under the leadership of the CentrumCultur (AWO), among others, the Cultural Office of the city of Bochum, the Public Library Wattenscheid, the VHS Bochum, the Märkische Schule, the City Archive, the Local and Citizen Association Wattenscheid and the municipal Music School again developed a varied program.


A new stage on the Alter Markt was made possible by means of the district disposal fund of the Soziale Stadt Wattenscheid. Here the Watt'n Circus was able to offer exciting acrobatics. The bands "Alla Turka" from the youth project X-Vision Ruhr and "E 62" from the youth club "Heroes" provided musical entertainment. The Culture Night was opened by the soprano Franziska Dannheim and Jeong Min-Kim at the piano in the old church. Readings by the city archivist Andreas Halwer and the crime fiction author brothers Peter and Klaus Märkert also delighted many listeners in the Public Library in the Gertrudiscenter.



10th Wattenscheid Culture Night (2017)


The 10th Wattenscheid Culture Night was part of Wattenscheid's big 600 year

celebration. On June 30, 2017, the local actors presented a colorful program

under the motto “Day of History and Cultures”. Again, the events were spread over

several locations in the city center and could be reached by short distances.


There was acoustic music from X-Vision Ruhr, a trumpet ensemble from the

municipal Music School and readings by Hella-Birgit Mascus and with Reinhard

Cebulla, Heinz-Werner Kessler and Peter Luthe. The integrative band "Just Fun"

and the world music group “Grenzen.Los” and “Macondito” offered live music and

invited people to dance. The Artists' Meeting WAT presented exhibitions, and the

impro-theater “DelikatEssen” performed twice. Art historian and monument conservator Delia Albers invited to a tour of “Art in Public Spaces”; in the Public Library, the LiesWAT! Association offered an interactive reading. With "James Bond comes back to Wattenscheid" there was a cinema in the city hall.



9th Wattenscheid Culture Night (2016)


The Wattenscheid Culture Night was again refreshed for June 17, 2016 and opened in terms of age and culture. The integration of refugees and newcomers is to be promoted by offering them a platform to present themselves and their art.


Part of the musical program were "Rojawa" with oriental sounds, "Duo ReCuerda", the brass ensemble of the Music School, the music ensemble of the Märkische Schule as well as the Young Choir Community Wattenscheid, Baquetto Musicale and the Taner Celik Ensemble together in the Catholic Propsteikirche. In addition, Werner Siepler and Waldemar Mandzel from the Artists' Meeting WAT, Hella-Birgit Mascus (“It's a shame that you can't stroke wine”), Gabriele Franke (“Love meets”) and Raniero Spahn (“Satirical stories - short stories with irony and madness about the adversity of everyday life”). The final concert of the world music group “Grenzen.Los” was scheduled for the old church. The Watt'n Circus showed acrobatics there beforehand.

8th Wattenscheid Culture Night (2015)


The 8th Wattenscheid Culture Night was marked by upheaval: for the first time
it had a free entry and was accessible to a larger and younger audience. With

the Maria Sibylla Merian Comprehensive School and the Märkische Schule, new

organizers were brought on board. The venues focus on the historical-cultural

axis in the city center Wattenscheid: the Catholic church of St. Gertrud, the Public

Library in the Gertrudiscenter and the new Evangelical Community Center at the

old church.


When the Watt'n Circus of the Maria Sibylla Merian Comprehensive School

enlived the Kirchenburg in front of the Catholic church, the Local and Citizen

Association Wattenscheid, the Catholic Forum Bochum, the Art Workshop on

Hellweg and the Märkische Schule did a program in the Propsteikirche. In the Public Library, there was a LiesWAT! organized reading by the authors Reinhard Junge and Christiane Bogenstahl. Also city archivist Andreas Halwer spoke about the “Municipal Reorganization in Wattenscheid”. In the small old church on the other side of the market, the VHS, the Wattenscheid Music School and the Artists' Meeting WAT, among others, invited guests to their performances.


7th Wattenscheid Culture Night (2014)


On Friday, June 27, 2014, the 7th Wattenscheid Culture Night took place at five locations. This time the Culture Night was organized by the CentrumCultur of the AWO, the Local and Citizen Association Wattenscheid, the Catholic Family Education Center, the Catholic Forum Bochum, the Art Workshop on Hellweg, the Artists' Meeting WAT, the municipal Music School, the Public Library, the Bochum City Archive, the VHS in the Gertrudiscenter and the Wattenscheid Advertising Association.


The Artists' Meeting WAT presented short stories and poems and offered an art exhibition. The improvisation theater “DelikatEssen”, which has been part of the first Culture Night, invited the audience to join in. There was also a choice of live music from the bands “Linda, Todd & the Hairy Two”, “Gönülbagl”, “Choo Choo Panini”, “Kulturtechniker”, the Wattenscheid Young Choir Association and the Ruhr Accordion Orchestra. The workshop ensemble of the tenth Bochum Brass Days joined them. At the end of the event there was another big fireworks display.



6th Wattenscheid Culture Night (2013)


On June 21, 2013, over 200 visitors could already be thrilled at the 6th Wattenscheid Culture Night. The AWO's CentrumCultur took over the coordination of the evening for the first time, the main location of which was still the Wattenscheid town hall. Other venues were the Protestant old church, the Catholic church of St. Gertrud and the Public Library on the Alter Markt.


There was a varied program of theater, readings, flamenco, accordion and brass music. Highlights were the reading by Carsten Koch (stories from the book “linie 14, letzte reihe, ich” by the award-winning authors Nadine d´Arachart and Sarah Wedler), the performance of the band “Linda, Todd and the Hairy Two” or the reading “A nerve-wracking radio play trip”, offered by students of the German POP, Academy of the Music and Media Industry, and the moderator Kai Mönnich. There were also lectures by city archivist Andreas Halwer and art historian Delia Albers. To top it off, the volunteer fire brigade lit a fireworks display over the town hall.



5th Wattenscheid Culture Night (2012)


Already at the 5th Wattenscheider Kulturnacht, and thus at the very beginning of

the from year to year more and more diverse and growing event, 120 visitors were

offered a colorful program of art, poetry and music.


Artists from Kunst4tel presented their works in the City Library, also there was
poetry, short stories, reflections and guitar music on the agenda.






1st - 4th Wattenscheid Culture Night (2007 - 2010)


The Wattenscheid Culture Night was brought to life by the VHS Bochum and the Catholic Family Education Center. It took place for the first time in 2007. The Bochum-Wattenscheid Public Library with the support of the LiesWAT! association and the Bochum City Archive were there from the start.


A large part of the program took place in the Wattenscheid town hall.







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